
Montreal Brewpub

21 avenue Laurier Ouest
Montreal, QC H2T 2N2


Opening hours

Mon11:30 AM - 1 AM

Tue11:30 AM - 1 AM

Wed11:30 AM - 1 AM

Thu11:30 AM - 3 AM

Fri11:30 AM- 3 AM

Sat1 PM - 3 AM

Sun1 PM - 1 PM

Pub Closed

We are usually closed on most major holidays. Please check our information on Google before visiting!

Google listing

Saint-Jérôme Pub

248 Godmer street,
Saint-Jérôme, QC J7Z 5H5


Opening hours

Mon11:30 am to midnight

Tue11:30 am to midnight

Wed11:30 am to 2 am

Thu11:30 am to 2 am

Fri11:30 am to 2 am

Sat2 pm to midnight

Sun2 pm to midnight

Pub Closed

We are usually closed on most major holidays. Please check our information on Google before visiting!

Google listing

Saint-Jérôme Retail Store

248 rue Godmer,
Saint-Jérôme, QC J7Z 5H5

450 436-3438 #228

Opening hours

Mon2 pm - 9 pm

Tue2 pm - 9 pm

Wed2 pm - 9 pm

ThuNoon - 9 pm

FriNoon - 9 pm

Sat2 pm - 9 pm

Sun2 pm - 9 pm

Pub Closed

We are usually closed on most major holidays. Please check our information on Google before visiting!

Google listing

Saint-Jérôme Brewery

259 de Villemure street
Saint-Jérôme, QC J7Z 5J4


Opening hours

Mon9 am to 5 pm

Tue9 am to 5 pm

Wed9 am to 5 pm

Thu9 am to 5 pm

Fri9 am to 5 pm



Google listing

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  • General information
    • General information
    • Saint-Jerome pub
    • Montreal brewpub
    • Saint-Jerome Store
    • Sales
    • Media requests


Are you organizing an event and would like to collaborate with Dieu Du Ciel!? Please fill out this form and submit it at least two months before the date of your event. We will evaluate your request and reply as soon as we can.

Please note that we do not offer cash sponsorships.

To order

For points of sale who already have an account only.

Contact our sales office
1-450-436-3438 ext 221

Becoming a
point of sale

Please fill out the form in order to request opening an account with us. We will reply as soon as we can.