When we launched our production facility in Saint-Jerome in 2008, we decided to use the industry standard bottle (At2). This was choice was largely motivated by environmental concerns, and budgetary matters confirmed it was the right choice for us. We have always sought to render our products available at an accessible price. The At2 bottle is the cheapest, most available, and most reused container on the market. An easy choice to make at the time.
We do not plan to abandon the At2 bottle anytime soon. It is the best container for some of our beers, such as our barrel-aged and/or re-fermented products.
That being said, we have since introduced cans in response to market demand. Retailers and consumers increasingly prefer this container, for logistical and practical reasons (storing and consignment, as well as a lighter and less fragile item).
These arguments convinced us to change our approach.
Do cans have a greater environmental impact than the bottle?
Yes, according to some specialists, cans have a bigger impact on the environment than the At2 bottle. The main reason being the transportation between aluminum foundries and distribution centres in Quebec.
Currently there are no facilities in Quebec producing cans. If this were to change, some specialists estimate that the carbon footprint of a can would be equivalent to that of a bottle. If ever such a thing were to occur, we would prioritize a locally made container for our products.
It seems possible that such a project may soon see the light of day in the next few years. We will be following developments closely!
Reference – https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/201907/10/01-5233504-adieu-bouteille-de-biere-bonjour-canette.php